(626) 798-7645 Appointment

Eating with Braces – Dr. Vickie Greenberg
Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ


What can you eat? Let’s talk about what you shouldn’t eat! If you’ve been wanting to drop a few pounds, the first week wearing braces is just your chance! For the first day or so, stick to soft foods. Avoid tough meats, hard breads, and raw vegetables. Before long, you’ll be able to bite a cucumber again. But you’ll need to protect your orthodontic appliances when you eat for as long as you’re wearing braces.

Foods to Avoid

* Chewy foods: bagels, hard rolls, licorice
* Crunchy foods: popcorn, ice, chips
* Sticky foods: caramels, gum
* Hard foods: nuts, candy
* Foods you have to bite into: corn on the cob, apples, carrots
* Chewing on hard things (for example, pens, pencils or fingernails) can damage the braces. Damaged braces will cause treatment to take longer.

Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ not only offers specialized care, but you can also first see if it’s the right choice for you by booking your FREE consultation. We offer these free consultations to get to know you and help ease your or your child’s fears about what it means to have ongoing dental treatments and how that can improve your overall quality of life.

2035 Lake Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

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