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Greenberg Orthodontics Has A Fun New Quiz
Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ


Vicki Greenberg Orthodontics wants to know, where does all that soda pop go?

On average, the typical person consumes over 50 gallons of soda pop per year! The amount of acid and sugar found in a can of soda can cause serious tooth decay and lead to cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss!

We at Vicki Greenberg Orthodontics know that you don’t want to lose your teeth, so take the soda pop quiz, presented by the Minnesota Dental Association, and learn more about how to keep your smile healthy.

It’s a fun interactive quiz, so enjoy! From Vicki Greenberg Orthodontics.

Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ not only offers specialized care, but you can also first see if it’s the right choice for you by booking your FREE consultation. We offer these free consultations to get to know you and help ease your or your child’s fears about what it means to have ongoing dental treatments and how that can improve your overall quality of life.

2035 Lake Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

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