(626) 798-7645 Appointment

When is the best time to see an Orthodontic Specialist?
Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ

How do You Know When to see a Specialist?

We recommend getting a check up with an orthodontic specialist at the first sign of jaw pain, tenderness, or bite problems. If you have issues with your jaw or bite and your general dentist or current orthodontist says that surgery is the only way, get a second opinion with Vickie Greenberg. A quick visit & you may find out that your case can be treated without being put under! Dr. Greenberg is an expert in severe orthodontic cases and our practice is actually famous for our non-surgical & non-extraction techniques. Of course, if your child is experiencing jaw problems & trouble with their bite, see a specialist as soon as possible. Don’t wait for it to get worse as the child develops; the earlier you deal with it, the better results you can expect. Every orthodontist is different and sometimes surgery is the only way, but it’s crucial that you check off all other options before undergoing surgery!

What is Your Two-Phase Treatment?

The Two-Phase Treatment starts with developing the patient’s jaw size in order to accommodate all of the permanent teeth & to relate the upper & lower jaws to each other. Children sometimes exhibit early signs of jaw problems as they grow & develop. An upper & lower jaw that is growing too much or not enough can be recognized at an early age. If children around age 6 are found to have this jaw discrepancy, they are candidates for early orthodontic treatment. The First Phase of treatment consists of developing the jaw to accommodate all of the teeth. The Second Phase involves making sure each tooth has an exact location in the mouth where it is in harmony with the lips, cheeks, tongue, and other teeth. When this equilibrium is established, the teeth will function together properly.

Early Orthodontic Treatment: Planning Now Can Save Your Smile Later!

Because they are growing rapidly, children can benefit enormously from an early phase of orthodontic treatment utilizing appliances that direct the growth relationship of the upper & lower jaws. Thus, a good foundation can be established, providing adequate room for eruption of all permanent teeth. This early correction may prevent later removal of permanent teeth to correct overcrowding and/or surgical procedures to align the upper & lower jaws. Leaving such a condition untreated until all permanent teeth erupt could result in a jaw discrepancy too severe to achieve an ideal result with braces.


Greenberg Orthodontics & TMJ not only offers specialized care, but you can also first see if it’s the right choice for you by booking your FREE consultation. We offer these free consultations to get to know you and help ease your or your child’s fears about what it means to have ongoing dental treatments and how that can improve your overall quality of life.

2035 Lake Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

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